
Sunday, January 22, 2006

IMPORTANT NOTICE! - This Blog has moved

Hi - this blog is still alive, however any NEW postings will now be made on my other blogspot:

The address is

Thank you

Friday, January 13, 2006

Monk-ey Magic

EDITED: 13/01/06 *wipes hands* ah that feels so much better now that Paris Hilton's picture is removed. What on earth was I thinking in contaminating my blog with such a thing!

The not-so-secret truth as to why Sophie Monk describes herself as an 'actress' is now out.
Apparently she appears in a new DVD which is made by 2 of the filmakers who produced 'Scary Movie'. It's called 'Date' and they parody romantic comedies from 'The Wedding Planner' through to 'Meet the Fockers'. From the look of the trailer Sophie seems to be impersonating Paris Hilton from her burger advert.

Anyhow the care factor from me as to what Sophie Monk gets up to as 0. Why I have blogged this story at all bewilders me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Godfather Part II


I never tire of this film, I watched it for at least the 20th time recently. Al Pacino as Michael is so wonderfully chilling. One of the best acting moments is when it dawns on him that Fredo has betrayed him, the acting is so subtle it's superb. The young De Niro is also fantastic, and so smooth -
although one has to keep putting the image of an older De Niro out of mind!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Male Teachers


Happy New Year btw :)

At risk of reigniting a debate of machete throwing magnitude between Bleachy and Milo, *BJ ducks*, Lol, I read the following today which was mildly interesting:

A recent report by University of Western Sydney academics records that "contrary to popular argument that boys fare better academically under male was found there existed no such significant interaction between student gender and teacher gender. The only significant interaction that emerged was that girls reported a better relationship with female teachers than with male teachers, while boys reported fairly similar relationships."

However a professor from the University of Newcastle counters the results of the survey maintaining that the results do not address the issue of the importance of having more male teachers in classrooms in order to reflect society as a whole and the need for boys "to see that men care about education and children".

Whatever Happened To?


Whatever happened to that chick on the first series of "The Block" who was a singer pianist and released a single? I remember she played at our local jazz bar thingy when I lived in Bondi and she was courted by the Eastern suburbs socialite set for at least a whole week. I can't remember her name now, can anyone?

Thursday, December 29, 2005

This or That Game

Hi there - this is the "This or That Game" as featured on many a forum, being played right here on my blogspot. How much fun is it possible to have in one lifetime :O

Basically it works by you posting two options eg. Ricki Lee or Madonna,
the next person chooses who/what they prefer and lists two more alternatives to choose between. Can be on any topic.

I'll keep this topic near the top by bumping the date.

Ok I'll start:

Guy Sebastian or Shannon Noll?



Have you noticed lately when going out, that every second person seems to be wearing turquoise?
The problem with the current fashion colours is that they are one pain in the arse to accessorise.

Well I should correct that to say... they are extremely enjoyable to accessorise if you have an unlimited budget for jewellery, shades, and most importantly bags and shoes.
The main problem with turquoise is that it looks absolutely awful when matched with most other colours (other than "deep spicy" colours perhaps) and in particular blue or green. It also looks awful when matched totally with other turquoise items, what a dilemna.


I received Madonna's "Confessions on a Dance Floor" for Christmas - in my book you can't go wrong with a Madonna album, the production is superb and the tracks are really groovy, "now" and dance-worthy (not that I dance any more, lol).

And as for Madonna's body in the video. Wow!! I thought she was a bit of a has-been when she did that duet with Britney, but if anyone can look that good at 47 they have my total respect. I'd be pretty happy with that look at 39 let alone 47, I now look forward to growing older :)

Madonna's cover is AMAZINGLY HOT infusing 40's softness and color with disco retro of the 70's...and it's ALL CLASS. Madonna has returned. Move over kids...the real dance floor queen is about to tear it UP.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Here is a pictures of yours truly.

I had someone take it of me at Manly beach last Friday - so I look a little un-glamorous and post-swim, hehe.

I am holding a newspaper in one of them to prove that the photos are RECENT!! As some buddies of mine who shall remain nameless *coughs* suggested I may have sent them Old photographs!

Thanks to Milo for compressing the pictures - altho apparently as they were taken at midday the shadowing makes me look at my worst ! ie.... I LOOK HEAPS BETTER THAN THIS IN REAL LIFE!! Hehe. Thank U.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

How much do ya want it?!


Out at dinner last night a comment made me laugh and prompted me to blog this - Is it flattery or insult if someone takes you out (or away) and says "...and I'm even paying for this myself with my own money this time, its not even on the Corporate Card"